Life is too short to have a Dirty Dog!
All of our expert groomers can’t wait to get your favorite friend clean and quaffed !

My Dog's Hair Salon!
7117 E Mercer Ln, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Meet the Groomers
We have employed many good groomers over the years. In August 2018 we welcomed Tina Bishop to our work family and she has been a great addition to the shop, and NOW SHE IS THE NEW OWNER! She started in California in 1979 learning to groom on the job. In 1981 she started showing dogs and became a professional handler also. Knowing all the breeds and their origins is a great help when handling the dogs. Each breed was created for a specific purpose and with that knowledge you can predict in advance how a dog will probably react to any condition. That kind of experience is invaluable for you to have someone to take care of YOUR Luved one.
Megan joined us 2021 and has blossomed since she started . She learned and worked in Showlow for a small salon years ago. Since then she has learned all the special things our clients like about the style of their dogs and now has a large request following for her expertise.
Maribel came on board in March of 2022 and has become the Doodle Queen and can handle even the biggest of the Doo’s even though she is only 4’11!
Lisa Joined the team as a Bather in September 2021. With alot of hard work and perseverance she began learning grooming and now is a valued member of the Grooming staff. She is fond of standard poodles but will tackle all breeds in an effort to make them look like their breed standard.
Experienced Groomers are the key to your pet having a great day at the Hair Salon. Grooming your pet can be daunting and messy. Our highly qualified staff here at My Dogs Hair Salon takes the headaches out of keeping your pet fresh and clean. Grooming can have a huge affect on health, behavior, and cleanliness. Our combined experience exceeds 100 years of grooming that you could never get on your own. Managing your pets personality and welfare is our top priority. Besides, who doesn’t want to show off a little right?
Being a busy shop is wonderful but on the days we are not as hectic it is fun to just play with the clients and have some laughs. We all hope you will let your pet enjoy a wonderful grooming experience and come home looking great so every one OOHs and AAHS over them.